Bikes For Christ
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Bikes For Christ International Missions

Rio Arriba, Guatemala
"I had the privilege of performing the first international missions work on behalf of Bikes For Christ on January 3rd, 2019. This had been in the works for some time as it was the third trip with my church First Baptist of Dover to Guatemala and I knew this is where I wanted B4C to start their missions work outside of the Tampa Bay area."
Pat Simmons
Village President and Pastor are first recipients
"The two people who were picked to receive the bikes were really easy choices. President Lionel, who used to be the "town drunk" and Pastor Juan, who will be the pastor of the church First Baptist of Dover is building in Rio Arriba were the two recipients. President Lionel is on the right and Pastor Wilson, accepting on behalf of Pastor Juan, is on the left."
Presentation of Bikes Video

Psalms123LOVE - Haiti
In July 2019, Bikes For Christ, in partnership with Psalms139LOVE, was able to gift two well deserving gentlemen in Haiti with much needed transportation. We look forward to doing more work with this ministry there in one of the poorest countries in the world.
Here Fednet is seen enjoying his new bike. Previously, he had to walk 2 hours to school each way.

Bicycles To Africa - The Tampa Bay Area Liberian Community Association
Bikes For Christ had the amazing opportunity in November 2020 to partner with the Tampa Bay Area Liberian Community Association. We were contacted by their President Mulbah Gbalah, and asked if we could help furnish bicycles for needy children in Liberia. We only had a weeks time to put things together before the shipment container left, but we were able to send 23 bikes along with children's Bible based books.
Fast forward to February 2021... The shipment finally arrived on February 4th and bikes were distributed on the 5th. The bikes were disbursed at a couple of schools; a play ground in Monrovia Liberia capital and in Bong county which is a two hour drive from the city. From Mulbah, who was on hand for the distribution, "We are very grateful to you and you can see we have more kids then we had (bikes) but it was a great gift for those school kids and others."
Bikes For Christ is proud to say we have bicycles heading to Africa again for Christmas 2021!

Liberia 2022